Funny Things to Sayin Card to Brother

I enjoy providing examples of heartfelt messages you can send your friends and family members on special days.

Show your brother how much you care about him by sending him a heartfelt message on his birthday.

Show your brother how much you care about him by sending him a heartfelt message on his birthday.

Birthday Wishes for Brother

You grew up with your brother and shared your happy childhood with him. Now, you want to let him know how much you love and care for him on his birthday. So, what will you do? Along with a nice gift, you should also send him a meaningful, sweet, sentimental and/or humorous happy birthday message.

In this article, I've written some interesting and unique happy birthday wishes for your brother. There are some sentimental and serious quotes, but there are also some funny ones too. You can also use those cool pictures with quotes too. Feel free to use any of these.

Happy birthday, Bro!

Birthday Wishes for Big Brother

1. You are such a great role model for every brother in the world because you are so loving, caring, protective, and supportive. I wish you, the best brother in the universe, a very happy birthday.

2. You've been my mentor and supporter for my entire life. I can never thank you enough for all you've done for me, and I wish you the very best on this special day.

3. You were my hero right from the start, and the truth is that I have always wanted to be like you. Wishing you a happy and joyous birthday.

4. For your birthday, I wish that every mirror in the world would vanish so you wouldn't know that you are getting older (except, of course, your ever-increasing wisdom gives it away). Happy birthday!

5. Because I am such a kind-hearted brother, I have remembered your birthday and forgotten your age.

6. Dear brother, though you are no longer young, you are still immature! Happy birthday to someone who is always young-at-heart.

7. Age before beauty, brother. Age before beauty. Happy birthday!

Give your bro a sweet birthday wish.

Give your bro a sweet birthday wish.

8. Though even the universe will one day cease to exist, my love for you shall last forever. Happy birthday, dear brother.

9. I thank God each and every day for giving me a brother like you. On your birthday, I'd like to thank you for being the best brother anyone could ever hope for. Happy birthday!

10. Brother, don't think too much about the past or present because I believe you are destined to be great. On your birthday, I hope you reflect and understand that you are at a turning point in your life. Happy birthday.

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11. On this special day, I pray that God blesses you with every good thing, with love, with luck, and with joy. Thank you for always being there for me and giving me your support and strength.

12. I am so lucky to have you as my brother and my best friend. Wishing you tons of love on your birthday!

13. Nothing compares to the love of a brother. Wishing you a wonderful birthday, dear brother.

14. May every day of your life be blessed with rays of hope, joy, love, and sunshine. Happy birthday, brother!

15. I know it's your birthday, but today is special for me too. Many (or not so many) years ago today, I got a new best friend and a wonderful brother. Happy birthday!

16. Your birthday is special to me because it gives me the chance to remember the day that someone I love and respect came into the world.

"A brother is a friend given by nature."

— Jean Baptiste Legouve

Here's a beautiful and thoughtful picture to send him.

Here's a beautiful and thoughtful picture to send him.

17. My Brother is: B: Brilliant | R: Respectful | O: Outstanding | T: Terrific | H: Honest | E: Entertaining | R: Remarkable. Happy birthday!

18. Today, I enjoyed reminiscing about our childhood. I know that the warmth of those innocent days is still with us and will always remain. Happy birthday.

19. May God bless you with every joy and happiness. Happy birthday.

20. Though there have been some moments between us when it was hard to say I liked you, brother, you should know that I have always loved you and respected you for what you were, are, and will be.

21. On your birthday, let us promise never to be separated from each other's hearts despite the distance between us. My best wishes to you!

18. Happy birthday, brother. Okay, now that's done—let's go party!

22. When I think of you, I can't help but smile. On your birthday, I wish you immeasurable happiness and joy in your life. Happy birthday!

23. Those days and moments of childhood that I shared with you are very dear to my heart. I wish you a great birthday and many more to come.

24. Nothing compares to the love of my dearest brother. Happy birthday!

25. What is the greatest accomplishment a brother can achieve? It is to be a wonderful friend to his sister. And you succeeded! You really are my best friend. I love you and wish you a happy birthday!

There are so many things you can send to the brother you love.

There are so many things you can send to the brother you love.

Funny Things to Say to Your Brother on His Birthday

1. Make sure to leave your wallet at home today. It's your day to have others treat you! I hope you enjoy your birthday, dear brother.

2. Dear brother—a piece of wisdom for you on your birthday: Age is a number and should be unlisted! Happy birthday!

3. Don't regret the grey hairs on your head. Aging is a privilege granted to a select few.

4. Writing this message brings me joy because I'm a very lucky sister to get to send birthday wishes to such a wonderful brother. I hope you have a very special day!

5. Do you know why I hate birthday greetings? Because I always have to tell a bunch of lies. Oh, by the way, "My dear brother, you are so sweet. You are the sweetest man I've ever met." Happy birthday!

6. You are the greatest man on earth and such a wonderful brother. Though I have to say that today I'm glad we're not in the same place because I know you like to poke me. Happy birthday to my bully of a brother!

7. Today, on your birthday, let the fun begin! We'll bathe in champagne, eat birthday cakes iced with gold, and eat only the most expensive foods. There's no harm in wishing for something spectacular for a spectacular brother!

8. Happy birthday, or whatever.

9. Okay, you need to stop getting older because it reminds me of how I'm getting older. So just cut it out! Happy birthday, bro!

10. I know that I've been a role model to you for your entire life, so on your birthday, I just want to say, "You're welcome." Happy birthday, brother!

11. I've learned so much from you over the years, like how to get away with staying out late, how to make Mom and Dad mad, and how to tell on your siblings. I can't wait to see what you teach me this year! Happy birthday.

12. Brother, if you were a bear, I'd want to be a tree. If you were a fish, I'd want to be the sea. If you were a flower, I'd want to be a leaf. But you're just you, and I'm just me. Happy birthday!

13. Hey, man. So. I just wanted to say, like. You know. Um. Happy birthday. Yeah. That.

" There is a little boy inside the man who is my brother… Oh, how I hated that little boy. And how I love him too."

– Anna Quindlen

If your brother has a sense of humor, send along a funny message or card.

If your brother has a sense of humor, send along a funny message or card.

14. (In lieu of a birthday message, I'm just going to buy all your drinks tonight. Happy birthday!)

15. Remember all those times we fought over who got to ride shotgun? Hahahahaha I'm laughing about them right now. Also, SHOTGUN FOR LIFE; no rips! Happy birthday!

16. Happy birthday, brother! You've successfully stayed alive for another year, and believe me, a lot of us (I'm not going to say who) were wondering if you were really going to make it. But not me—I always believed in you.

17. Even though you're far away, you will always be close to my heart. No, really, I think you've emotionally scarred me. Still, happy birthday! And I hope to see you soon.

18. For your birthday, I got you three wishes from a magical genie! Unfortunately, I accidentally ended up using all your wishes. So . . . sorry about that. But it's the thought that counts, right?

19. Just for today, dear brother, I promise not to share anything embarrassing about you on social media. You're welcome. Happy birthday!

Here's a cool image for your bro.

Here's a cool image for your bro.

20. Happy birthday, brother! Thanks for doing everything wrong first.

21. There's no place I'd rather be than in your shadow. Happy birthday to the shadow-iest older brother in the world!

22. Being younger than you hasn't always been easy, but I have to say there's nothing more satisfying than beating you in literally anything. Happy birthday!

23. For your birthday (and for a change), I was going to teach you something useful, so I thought of calculus. But then I decided you probably didn't want a calculus lesson, so I'm NOT going to teach you calculus. Happy birthday!

24. For your birthday, I'm going to treat you like you've always treated me. Just think about that for a second. Happy birthday!

25. To everyone else, you may be my elder brother, but to me, you are simply my hero. Never change.

26. Remember all those silly fights we had growing up? Haha, I'm laughing about them now, but seriously, did you steal my legos that one time? That was NOT COOL. Happy birthday!

27. Happy birthday to the man who first taught me how to put underpants on my head. I'm looking forward to many more lessons from you in the future.

28. You've proven me wrong so many times before, little brother. I will never underestimate you again. Happy birthday!

29. You inspire me to be a better person. Thanks for being a great older brother. Happy birthday! P.S. Can I borrow money for dinner tonight? I swear I'll pay you back . . .

30. Thank you for being my older brother and taking some of the pressure off of me. I owe you one, bro. Happy birthday!

31. You've already taught me so much as my older brother. Now I'm learning from you how (not) to age gracefully. Happy birthday!

32. You're one of the most important men in my life. I'm lucky to count you not only as my brother but as my role model and my friend. Happy birthday!

33. I can't help but smile when I think of you and the hell you put me through as a kid. It wasn't funny to me then, but now I know you only did it because you loved me. Right? Happy birthday!

34. Even though you're older than me, you've always made me feel special and like I had something to teach you. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Happy birthday!

36. You are so generous that I know even though today is all about you, you'll still find a way to give back to everyone else. Happy birthday to a wonderful little brother.

36. Today, I'm old enough to finally appreciate what a fantastic little brother you are.

37. Being an older brother is a huge responsibility, and today I want to let you know that I appreciate everything that you have done for me. Thank you for being there for me. Happy birthday!

38. You might get all the responsibility of being the older brother, but you have no idea how hard it is to be the family favorite. ;) Happy birthday!

Don't forget to show your brother how much you love him on his birthday!

Don't forget to show your brother how much you love him on his birthday!

15 Status Updates to Celebrate Your Brother

1. Many years ago today, a truly incredible person came into the world, and I'm honored to call him my brother. Happy birthday!

2. Feeling grateful for all the silly times I've had with my brother and excited for the ones yet to come.

3. My brother accomplished so much this past year, and THEN he went and had a birthday. Let's hope he can keep this up!

4. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear brother! Happy birthday to you.

5. Maybe he's your friend, maybe he's your co-worker, maybe he's your teammate. To me, he is my brother, which means I love him and hate him more than everyone else. Happy birthday!

6. Happy birthday to one of the best people that I know. Each year I'm amazed at who you're becoming (in a good way).

7. Three things I'm grateful for today: my brother, my brother's birthday party, and cake. Especially cake.

8. It's not just an excuse to party; it's the BEST excuse to party. Happy birthday to my favorite brother.

9. No one else I know can make me laugh as hard, make me as angry, or make me as happy as my big brother. Happy birthday to the one I love the most!

10. A shout out to my brother, who's been there for me at every point in my life. He's the reason I am who I am. Happy birthday!

11. Forget whatever else is going on in your lives and take a second to wish THE GREATEST BROTHER EVER a happy birthday! Which reminds me—I need to do that too!

12. Some days are yellow, some days are blue, some days you have a lot of celebrating to do. It's my brother's birthdayyyyyyy!

13. No matter where I go, I know I'll never be too far away from my brother's shadow. Thanks for being wonderful, brother!

14. Everyone, buy my brother a drink—it's his birthday!

15. You already knew my brother was smart, talented, and good-looking, but did you know that it's his birthday today too? Time to celebrate!

Send your brother a joking happy birthday message. He'll get the point.

Send your brother a joking happy birthday message. He'll get the point.

20 Wishes for Brother From a Sister

1. Happy birthday to my favorite brother. Love, your favorite sister (right?).

2. You have always been and will always be my older brother. That's just true. Happy birthday!

3. I love you as only a little sister can. Happy birthday, brother!

4. Thank you for being my protector all these years. One day I hope to return the favor. Happy birthday, brother!

5. You've done such a good job of being my older brother and making sure I never went a day without being teased. Happy birthday!

6. I am your sister. You are my brother. Together, we are unstoppable. Happy birthday!

7. You made it easy for me to be the favorite child. Happy birthday, brother!

8. It's a miracle that we both survived our childhoods. Now, let's take over the world. Happy birthday!

9. Brother, I honestly don't know where I'd be without you. Happy birthday!

10. Happy birthday, brother. One day I hope I'll be able to tell you just how much you mean to me.

There are so many ways to tell your brother "happy birthday."

There are so many ways to tell your brother "happy birthday."

11. You are my world.

12. I was never scared because I always knew you were there for me. Of course, sometimes you scared me, but that's what older brothers are supposed to do.

13. Oh, brother, it's a wild world out there. I'm glad I have you by my side.

14. Happy birthday, brother! I'm looking forward to the adventures we're going to have together this year.

15. I smile every time I think of you and how you used to tease me. Memories of you make being far away a little easier.

16. Other people may know you as a co-worker, a boss, a friend, or a partner. To me, though, you will always be (simply) my little brother.

17. In all the years I've known you, you haven't changed. Somehow, that makes the world a little brighter.

18. You brighten my day, always. Thanks for being such a great little brother.

19. Even as we've grown up and grown into ourselves, we've still stayed close. I'm looking forward to many more years together.

20. I wouldn't exchange the times we've had together for anything in the world. You are the best little brother I could have ever wished for.

It's important to share your love with your family, especially your brother!

It's important to share your love with your family, especially your brother!

26 Text Messages to Send Him on His Birthday

1. :) < That's a smiley face for you for your birthday!

2. I know you're very busy and important, but I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

3. It's a special day that only comes once a year . . . your birthday! Have an awesome day!

4. You are smart, handsome, funny, and generous. I'm lucky to have you as a brother.

5. No amount of emoji can tell you how much I love you.


7. I hope all your (legal) dreams come true today. Happy birthday, bro!

8. You've only gotten more handsome and wiser over the past few years. Soon, you'll even be dateable! JK! Happy birthday, brother.

9. Happy Birthday! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you :)

10. ;) I'm winking because even though you're a year older, I know you're going to be a kid forever. Happy birthday!

11. Feliz cupleaƱos! (That means happy birthday in Spanish.)

12. I know everyone else will be texting you today about your birthday, so I thought I'd do something a little different and remind you that you owe me $10 AND say happy birthday.

13. HBB (Happy birthday, brother!)

14. So, a brother walked into a bar, and the entire bar shouted, "Happy birthday!" Do you get it?

15. Happy birthday, bro! Take a moment to realize that you are the best!

16. Without you, who would disappoint our parents? Happy birthday, brother!

17. With great age comes great responsibility. Thankfully, you're still young even though you're a year older. Happy birthday, brother!

18. :* That's a kiss for my brother on his birthday.

19. It's my brother's birthday, and I can do what I want! Which is wish him a happy birthday!

20. Today is the anniversary of your birth. God help us all.

21. Just wanted to let you know that I'm looking out for you today and every day, little brother. Happy birthday!

22. Here's something I don't get to say very often: You inspire me. Happy birthday!

23. I'm shocked you've made it this far :P Happy birthday, brother.

24. So glad to have a brother like you. Happy birthday to someone who challenges and inspires me :)

25. It's all downhill from here :P Happy birthday, bro!

Do you depend on your brother? This is the day to thank him for all that he's done for you!

Do you depend on your brother? This is the day to thank him for all that he's done for you!

Sweet Quotes About Brothers for His Birthday

  • Because brothers don't let each other wander in the dark alone. —Jolene Perry
  • When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life. —Antisthenes
  • After a girl is grown, her little brothers—now her protectors—seem like big brothers. —Terri Guillemets
  • Being his real brother I could feel I live in his shadows, but I never have and I do not now. I live in his glow. —Michael Morpurgo
  • Help your brother's boat across, and your own will reach the shore. —Hindu Proverb
  • When I look at each of my brothers, I see two things. First, I see the next place I want to leave a rosy welt. Second, I see a good man who will always be there, no matter how hard life gets for me or him. Then, I get out of the way because I realize he's coming at me with a wet dish towel. —Dan Pearce
  • Nothing can stop me from loving my brother. —Brandy Norwood
  • There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother. —Astrid Alauda
  • To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time. —Clara Ortega
  • I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my brother and I found all three. —Unknown
  • The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that food came out his nose. —Garrison Keillor
  • I am smiling because you are my brother. I am laughing because there is nothing you can do about it! —Unknown
  • A brother is a friend given by nature. —Jean Baptiste Legouve
  • He is my most beloved friend and my bitterest rival, my confidant and my betrayer, my sustainer and my dependent, and scariest of all, my equal. —Gregg Levoy
  • If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can't do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings. —Deepak Chopra
  • Like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one. Each of our lives will always be a special part of the other. —Anonymous
  • Older siblings . . . the only people who will pick on you for their own entertainment and beat up anyone else who tries. —Anonymous
Brothers can be your best friends.

Brothers can be your best friends.

  • A brother is a friend given by nature. —Jean Baptiste Legouve
  • He is my most beloved friend and my bitterest rival, my confidant and my betrayer, my sustainer and my dependent, and scariest of all, my equal. —Gregg Levoy
  • If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can't do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings. —Deepak Chopra
  • Like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one. Each of our lives will always be a special part of the other. —Anonymous
  • Older siblings . . . the only people who will pick on you for their own entertainment and beat up anyone else who tries. —Anonymous

How to Select a Happy Birthday Card for Your Brother

Choosing a card for your brother can be a challenge—should you select a funny, silly, heartfelt, sweet, or sentimental card? You know your brother best and know what kind of card he would enjoy. Here are some things to consider:

  • If you're buying a gift for him, consider selecting a card that's in the same vein. For example, pair a gag gift with a silly card.
  • Some cards have pre-printed salutations inside, which can usually be found outside the package so that you know what the card says before you buy it. If that's the case, you'll still want to write a personalized message for your brother for a special touch.
  • Consider asking other family members to sign a happy birthday card, such as your children, significant other or spouse, or other siblings, if you think it would be suitable for the occasion.

Here are a few places you can find birthday cards:

  • Grocery store
  • Hallmark store or other card or gift shop
  • Etsy
  • Shutterfly
  • E-cards

Dhriti Bhagava on August 20, 2020:

Very much helpful........thxx

Balu nayak on July 05, 2020:

Tomorrow is birday bro your my best friend and my hero.... Every day fight with you.. One of my crring person is my brother ...bright future bro God bless you...more than love you anna

King Narender on May 21, 2020:

Wish you a happy Birthday angry man (my sweet bro)

Naitik on May 20, 2020:

Happy birthday my dear Naitik bro and Chipko many many happy returns of the day Aman kumar singh

Sonu on April 16, 2020:

I want that name wishes

Sya on April 10, 2020:

Happy birthday brother love you

Anu on January 27, 2020:


Belinda anyango on January 24, 2020:

Happy birthday bro

Sam Dunphy on December 21, 2019:

I want a brother

Navven on December 16, 2019:

Happy birthday brother

Sahil momin on December 07, 2019:


Prashanth on December 06, 2019:

Happy birthday bro

Raju Mehendi Wala on November 25, 2019:

I feel charged and re-energized after reading & writing a few down for future reference. Thanks for inspiring new ideas and a new determination!

Happybirthdaytrends on September 03, 2019:


vali Shaik on August 26, 2019:

Happy Birthday Create, Send Your Wish Through Online from

Rahul batham on July 08, 2019:

Wish brother

Shikha Dhimaan on July 05, 2019:

Very beautiful quotes. The explenation before helps and i dont know why but it was peaceful to read it other than just going from quote to quote.

Institute of Digital Marketing on June 14, 2019:

Nice and really so interesting article you have created here... a birthday wish to a brother is really really so special... thank you for this kind of article

lisamoore on June 13, 2019:

My brother'is are special ! Happy birtday!

Ashish Bhatt on June 04, 2019:

Happy B'day my younger sweet bro

Ashu on June 01, 2019:

Awesome quotes

Kensley swanger on June 01, 2019:

Aww bro sometimes i hontsetly hate you but a lot of time your there for me so i love u bro

maham on May 10, 2019:

Sweet Brother is like a candel

Vamshi on May 05, 2019:


Damyanti on May 04, 2019:


Arti sharma on December 30, 2018:

Wish u many many happy returns of the day Big B (Raj Guru)

Nabeel on December 27, 2018:

Happy bday bro

Kanungil Karim on December 21, 2018:

Your birthday is special to me because it gives me the chance to remember the day that someone I love and honor came into the world.

Syed Nadeem on December 18, 2018:

Happy birthday

Kamran Ahmed on December 16, 2018:

Happiest birthday bro

Avishek on December 09, 2018:

Many many happy returns of the day bro

abdullahi yusuf on November 22, 2018:

very good I love this short

Risha singh on November 21, 2018:


Rakesh Goud on November 17, 2018:

Dear brother, though you are no longer young you are still immature! Happy birthday to someone who is always young-at-heart.

Gio, Happy Birthday wishes little bro! Did you ever think you'd hit the 59 mark?. on November 09, 2018:

Happy birthday little brother! 59 then 60! OUCH!!!

Prince on October 30, 2018:

You are such a great role model for every brother in the world because you are so loving, caring, protective, and supportive. I wish you, the best brother in the universe, a very happy birthday.

Gowthami lahari on October 18, 2018:

Happy Birthday day my sweet brother

Glenn on September 26, 2018:


Afifa on September 20, 2018:

Happy birthday

Shree.M on September 04, 2018:

The time, things are changes according to nature but the brother will never, Happy birthday my sweet brother!

Durairaj on September 01, 2018:

Happy birthday brother

Happy birthday.... Bhai on August 28, 2018:

Wish you Many Many happy Return of the Day.. .

Jackie on August 28, 2018:

HAPPY birthday ronny love you soooo much..

Aniket kumR on August 27, 2018:

Happy birthday bro

Anjali on August 25, 2018:

Nice massages....

Dante on August 17, 2018:

happy birthday bro I'm wishing u lovely day.enjoy it without me!!!!

Akshay bagul on August 09, 2018:

Happy birthday bro

Wesly on July 31, 2018:

Happy birthday bro

alonge Michael olamide on July 26, 2018:

I know it's your birthday, but today is special for me too. It was many (or not so many) years ago today that I got a new best friend and a wonderful brother. Happy Birthday!

Durgveer singh chauhan on June 10, 2018:

Happy birthday brother

Anshita rathore on June 06, 2018:

Thanks for this amazing wishes

Apurv on June 03, 2018:


Abdulsamad on May 30, 2018:

Happy Birthday in advance blood much love I gat for you, you are the best

Suresh on May 14, 2018:

Happy birthday to you Sura bhai

Tejashwini on April 28, 2018:

Wishing the best brother in the world a happy birthday love u bro dere no words to u bro may all ur dreams cum true party hard stay blessed keep smiling

Vedant on April 18, 2018:

Happy birthday to you vedant

TT on April 12, 2018:


Diane G Brown on March 12, 2018:

Happy Birthday to the best brother in the entire world ❤️

Naveed Feroz on February 18, 2018:

I thank God each and every day for giving me a brother like you. On your birthday, I want to thank you for being the best brother anyone could ever hope for. Happy Birthday!

KARTHIKEYAN on February 12, 2018:


diana on January 24, 2018:

happy 16th birthday brother

i love you to the moon and back

from your big sister

Chanchal on January 20, 2018:

happy Bdy My Little Bro roshu

kavishka on January 16, 2018:


Harzara Khan on January 11, 2018:

Happy birthday to my favorite brother @Tin Win Naing.

Love, your favorite sister (right?)

Dipu on December 26, 2017:

Happy Birthday Brothr

sitendu on December 08, 2017:

happy birthday to u brother

Suresh on December 01, 2017:

Wish you many more happy return of the day my lovely sweet heart bro.... love you forever.... ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

saranya on November 29, 2017:

wish you many more happy returns of the day my sweet bro

Richa on November 20, 2017:

Happy Birthday Bhaiya! Hope next year also we can meet

subashri on October 17, 2017:

happy birthday my sweet bro i keep loving u

RAKESH MISHRA on October 12, 2017:

Like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one. Each of our lives will always be a special part of the other.

Everyone! Buy my brother a drink—it's his birthday!

Dear brother, though you are no longer young you are still immature! Happy birthday to someone who is always young-at-heart.

sachin Varshney on September 24, 2017:

Many many happy returns of the day my younger brother.. May god bless you.. ..nikhil varshney

varu on September 19, 2017:

Happy birthday my lovely brother

May God bless you

Renee on September 12, 2017:

Love you

Tremayne on August 27, 2017:

Happy B Day !!!!!

ERIN TOMS on August 25, 2017:


May every day of your life be blessed with rays of hope, joy, love, and sunshine.

Mommy on July 16, 2017:

. On this special day, I pray that God blesses you with every good thing, with love, with luck, and with joy. Thank you for always being there for me and giving me your support and strength.

raja dhakad on June 25, 2017:

Happy birthday bhaiya

Suresh on June 18, 2017:

Happy birthday

manviprasad on May 15, 2017:


Angel on March 28, 2017:

Happy. Brithday. Jordan. Little. Brother I. Love. You. So. Mush. Handsome. Thank you

shekhargurukar on April 01, 2015:

Very Nice

pinappu (author) from India on September 14, 2012:

Camilia can you suggest us what kind of stuff do you expect ? An example will be much appreciated. You also want a paragraph and not a sentence? Please clarify.


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